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HPI Website Terms of Use – No Representation or Warranty
This website has been prepared by the Hotel Property Investments Ltd (ACN 010 330 515), as trustee and responsible entity for the Hotel Property Investments Trust (ARSN 166 484 377) and its Related Corporations and sub trusts (HPI).
The contents of this website have been prepared for information only. Whilst all due care has been taken with respect to its preparation and publication, HPI makes no representation or warranty, express or implied to any person in relation to the accuracy of the material published on the website from time to time, including the accuracy or completeness of any material or any calculations and/or projections contained or referred on this website.
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$1.26 billion Portfolio value**As at 31 December 2024
58 No. of properties**As at 31 December 2024
9.2 WALE**As at 31 December 2024
19.7 FY25 Forecast Distribution**Cents Per Security
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Hotel Property Investments
25 010 330 515
Suite 2
Level 17, IBM Centre
60 City Rd Southbank
VIC 3006 Australia